G-Bowl App Ver.8.0.0 Released.
G-Bowl App Ver.8.0.0 Released.
- G-Bowl now displays G-peak marks (up to 300 locations).
- A G volume slider was added to the G-Bowl screen.
- A function to check the G sound tone (long press on G-Bowl screen while stopped) was added.
- G sound and ball drop sound are now played during log playback on the log playback screen.
- Added a function to take the average of the last two times by long pressing the Calibration button.
- Added a function to start/stop running (auto save) by triple-touching the G-meter and G-Bowl screen.
- Auto stop function automatically saves the data when the car stops running.
- Fixed the problem that the screen rotates by strong G during driving after iOS16 update.
- Fixed a problem in which the iPad screen returns to portrait orientation even if it is displayed in landscape mode.
- Settings: Added settings for G-peak display (number of displays, peak conditions, etc.).
- Settings: Added initial display position (start/goal) for “When log is opened”.
- Settings: “Screen Rotation” can be fixed to landscape orientation (for iPad).